Separation Token

My child had separation anxiety when leaving me and I’d tried all sorts of different things; a malachite heart, drawing a heart on our hands, etc. however this became the thing that helped them the most. I created a little wooden token from bass wood then asked them to pick some runes that they liked the meaning of, the colour they wanted, and paracord. They selected the following runes;

Uruz meaning Ox; Strength, Determination, Potential

Wunjo meaning Joy; Comfort, Pleasure, Happiness, Contentment

On the reverse of this token it has their name written in with a red heart, however I’m not including a picture of that for their privacy.

This token became very valuable and important to them when they went to school and at night they kept it by their bed.

This was also my first attempt using a pyrography pen.


Portsmouth Pride


A Wand for my Mum