Portsdown Hill

I’ve had my eye on the Pilgrim’s Trail for some time, I mean it ends where I live (Portsmouth), kind of, and starts where I like to start walks (Winchester), maybe someday I’ll do Portsmouth to Winchester along the trail?

In any case, today was more about me getting out for my first real solo walk. I’ve done many walks with my walking partner, I’ve done many local walks around Hilsea, but I haven’t really ever ventured into the country beyond Portsdown Hill – today was the day!

The first thing I had to do was get on top of Portsdown Hill, which from Cosham Train Station was a 1.3 mile walk up a long uphill road, roughly 331ft total incline according to Google, which was very tiring in this sort of heat. When I reached the top I had a stop and looked to the South, looking out over Portsmouth, it was quite the view in this weather.

I continued my walk over the B2177, Portsdown Hill Road, down Pigeon House Lane. As I started down this road I had a moment where I was hit by happiness, this joy of being out in country, not a care. I couldn’t stop smiling, grinning like an idiot. It felt so nice to be out!

I ended up at the point where the trail goes into the woods, Bushy Coppice according to OS Maps, and followed the obvious path through the woods. I hadn’t seen a single person in so long now and it felt great. I still had this big idiotic grin on my face as I walked through the woods and came out into a large open field. I went West from here and continued on until I came to the B2177 again, then followed it South back towards Portsmouth.

I made really good time and ended up at the roundabout at the top of the hill near Route 66 Burger Bar, so instead of heading back down the hill I decided to extend my route. I moved down on to the Portsdown Hill chalk walkway and ended up walking West, and continuing, until the point that I wasn’t sure if there would be a way back down, but eventually spotted a chalk path heading down into Paulsgrove. I navigated through Paulsgrove and eventually found myself in familiar territory.

On a whole it was a really good walk. I feel broken to a degree as I haven’t done something like this in some time, but I feel good for it! I need to look at the journey I did and extend it some for the future, I already have a few ideas!

Now to finish off my outdoorsy day, I’m taking my daughter camping for the first time… Lockdown Camping that is. The Big Agnes is set up in the garden and ready for a sleepover!


Tipner Lake Defences


Uffington & Wayland’s Smithy